“These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
(John 16:33)
Today’s world is a world of trial and tribulation. Man is trying desperately to find security. Analyzing this verse, (John 16:33), we can learn how God counsels us, makes us calm, taught us to handle conflict, place us in comfort, and conquer the evils of the world.
I – COUNSEL- Notice the verse “These things I have spoken unto you.” This means that God has told us His word. “I have told you all this…” "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.”(John 6:63).
The lessons here are: Every Christian must know God’s Word – what it says, what it means, and how it applies to daily life. How much time do you spend in God’s Word? We should build our lives on His Word and build His Word into our lives, because it alone tells us how to live for Him. What we need today is both guidance and a guide. A map that gives us landmarks and directions and a constant companion who has an intimate knowledge of the way and will make sure we interpret the map correctly. As you make your way through life, lean upon both the map and the guide.
II – CALMNESS-“That in Me ye might have peace.” Statistically, in 3,521 years, only 286 have been warless. 8,000 treaties have been broken. For every year of war there have been two minutes of peace. “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27).
The secret of peace of mind and calmness of spirit is found only in Jesus Christ. Here is the story of John D. Rockefeller, a United States Industrialist and Philanthropist:
John D. Rockefeller, Sr. was strong and husky when small. He early determined to earn money and drove himself to the limit. At age 33, he earned his first million dollar. (oil industry). At age 43, he controlled the biggest company in the world. (Unified the oil industry into the standard oil Trust). At age 53, he was the richest man on earth and the world’s ONLY BILLIONAIRE.
Then he developed a sickness called “alopecia” where the hair of his head dropped off, his eyelashes and eyebrows disappeared. And he was shrunken like a mummy. His weakly income was one million dollars, but he digested only milk and crackers . He was so hated in Pennsylvania that he had to have body guards day and night. He could not sleep, stopped smiling long since and enjoyed nothing in life. (“Millionaires seldom smile”). The doctors predicted he would not live over one year. The newspaper had gleefully written his obituary in advance for convenience in sudden use.
Those sleepless nights set him thinking. He realized with a new light that he “could not take one dime into the next world”. Money was not everything. The next morning found him a new man by having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He began to help churches with his amassed wealth; the poor and needy were not overlooked. He established a Rockefeller Foundation where funding of medical researches led to the discovery of penicillin and other wonder drugs. John D. Rockefeller began to sleep well, eat and enjoy life. The Doctors had predicted he would not live over age 54. He lived up to 98.
III – CONFLICT - “In the world ye shall have TRIBULATION.” Note the words: “World” and “Tribulation.” A world influenced by Satan, full of cruelty, tragedy, temptation and deception.“A world of TRIBULATION.” Following Christ does not mean a trouble-free life. God does not exempt believers from day-to-day circumstances of life. Christianity doesn’t guarantee problem-free life. Earth has no trouble-free environments. There will always be problems as long as the world is filled with sinful people. Not even Christian churches, Christian homes are problem-free. Times of financial burdens. Times of family conflict. Times of the loss of our jobs. Times of physical problems. How we act in such situations reflects what we believe.
“Which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer.”(2 Thessalonians 1:5).“He is using your sufferings to make you ready for His kingdom.” Our problems help us look upward and forward, not inward. Problems are unavoidable because we are trying to be godly people in an ungodly world. Your troubles may be a sign of effective Christian living.
IV – COMFORT - “Be of good cheer.” “Take courage.”Here are some illustrations:
1st Illustration is Foster Walker – accidentally strolled into the scene of a hold-up at a store in Memphis, Tenn., and heard the gunman order him to surrender his money or “I’LL SHOOT YOU!” Walker said: “You go ahead and shoot, I just got through reading my BIBLE, AND I’VE ALREADY SAID MY PRAYERS.”The robber was dumbfounded and Foster Walker, walked away. LESSON: In spite of the inevitable struggles we will face, we are not alone. Only GOD can give courage and comfort in days of fear and instability.
2nd Illustration:“THE UNSINKABLESHIP TITANIC versus MB GALILEE.” In 1912, the largest and most luxurious ship ever built at that time. 852 feet long – boasted sixteen watertight compartments to keep its passengers safely afloat no matter what hazards befell the sea. The Titanic was said to be the safest ship ever built. It set sail from England on its maiden cruise, bound for America. One of the passengers purportedly asked a deckhand “IS THE TITANIC really UNSINKABLE?”“GOD HIMSELF COULD’T SINK THE SHIP”, replied the seaman. Before midnight on a clear, moonless night in the North Atlantic, the Titanic struck an iceberg and sank less than 3 hours later carrying 1,500 souls into eternity. The “UNSINKABLE SHIP” built to last for several lifetimes had SUNK on ITS FIRST VOYAGE.” In contrary, the frail boat on the sea of Galilee is UNSINKABLE! Why? Because JESUS the master of land and sea was with them in the hidden part of the vessel. Jesus still lives and rides the billows and controls the storms. When the children of men take their only TRUE PILOT back on board, we will ride out the present storms and He will bring the vessel through the fair harbor of our hopes. . Note: RMS Titanic – Captain shouted: “ABANDON SHIP!”JESUS our PILOT SHOUTED: “PEACE BE STILL!”Only He who can say: “The Lord is the strength of my life” can say: “Of whom shall I be afraid.”Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live. Peace is not REAL PEACE until it has been tested in the storm.
V – CONQUEST - “I have overcome the world.”-LESSON: When facing a tough decision, don’t let the negatives cause you to lose sight of the positives. Don’t let potential difficulties blind you to God’s power to help and His promise to guide. When you are afraid, look to JESUS CHRIST. Remember the empty tomb. Christ’s resurrection help us find meaning even in the midst of tragedy. No matter what happens to us we walk with the Lord. Today people are looking for someone to give them security in an insecure world. Our job is to point them to Jesus Christ and to show that He is the ONE they seek. Focusing on our human predicament may paralyze us because the situation may appear humanly impossible. But concentrating on God and His Power help us see the way out. Jesus said: “I am the Way” (John 14:6). We trust in God by recognizing the insufficiency of our own efforts to find solutions and by asking Him to do His work in us. If you are bending under a burden and feel that you are about to fall, turn to God for help. He is ready to bear your burden.“Faith is not believing that God can, but that GOD WILL!” Only in Christ can real security be found.
(Messages By: Rev. Teofilito A. Rufon)
I – COUNSEL- Notice the verse “These things I have spoken unto you.” This means that God has told us His word. “I have told you all this…” "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.”(John 6:63).
The lessons here are: Every Christian must know God’s Word – what it says, what it means, and how it applies to daily life. How much time do you spend in God’s Word? We should build our lives on His Word and build His Word into our lives, because it alone tells us how to live for Him. What we need today is both guidance and a guide. A map that gives us landmarks and directions and a constant companion who has an intimate knowledge of the way and will make sure we interpret the map correctly. As you make your way through life, lean upon both the map and the guide.
II – CALMNESS-“That in Me ye might have peace.” Statistically, in 3,521 years, only 286 have been warless. 8,000 treaties have been broken. For every year of war there have been two minutes of peace. “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27).
The secret of peace of mind and calmness of spirit is found only in Jesus Christ. Here is the story of John D. Rockefeller, a United States Industrialist and Philanthropist:
John D. Rockefeller, Sr. was strong and husky when small. He early determined to earn money and drove himself to the limit. At age 33, he earned his first million dollar. (oil industry). At age 43, he controlled the biggest company in the world. (Unified the oil industry into the standard oil Trust). At age 53, he was the richest man on earth and the world’s ONLY BILLIONAIRE.
Then he developed a sickness called “alopecia” where the hair of his head dropped off, his eyelashes and eyebrows disappeared. And he was shrunken like a mummy. His weakly income was one million dollars, but he digested only milk and crackers . He was so hated in Pennsylvania that he had to have body guards day and night. He could not sleep, stopped smiling long since and enjoyed nothing in life. (“Millionaires seldom smile”). The doctors predicted he would not live over one year. The newspaper had gleefully written his obituary in advance for convenience in sudden use.
Those sleepless nights set him thinking. He realized with a new light that he “could not take one dime into the next world”. Money was not everything. The next morning found him a new man by having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He began to help churches with his amassed wealth; the poor and needy were not overlooked. He established a Rockefeller Foundation where funding of medical researches led to the discovery of penicillin and other wonder drugs. John D. Rockefeller began to sleep well, eat and enjoy life. The Doctors had predicted he would not live over age 54. He lived up to 98.
III – CONFLICT - “In the world ye shall have TRIBULATION.” Note the words: “World” and “Tribulation.” A world influenced by Satan, full of cruelty, tragedy, temptation and deception.“A world of TRIBULATION.” Following Christ does not mean a trouble-free life. God does not exempt believers from day-to-day circumstances of life. Christianity doesn’t guarantee problem-free life. Earth has no trouble-free environments. There will always be problems as long as the world is filled with sinful people. Not even Christian churches, Christian homes are problem-free. Times of financial burdens. Times of family conflict. Times of the loss of our jobs. Times of physical problems. How we act in such situations reflects what we believe.
“Which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer.”(2 Thessalonians 1:5).“He is using your sufferings to make you ready for His kingdom.” Our problems help us look upward and forward, not inward. Problems are unavoidable because we are trying to be godly people in an ungodly world. Your troubles may be a sign of effective Christian living.
IV – COMFORT - “Be of good cheer.” “Take courage.”Here are some illustrations:
1st Illustration is Foster Walker – accidentally strolled into the scene of a hold-up at a store in Memphis, Tenn., and heard the gunman order him to surrender his money or “I’LL SHOOT YOU!” Walker said: “You go ahead and shoot, I just got through reading my BIBLE, AND I’VE ALREADY SAID MY PRAYERS.”The robber was dumbfounded and Foster Walker, walked away. LESSON: In spite of the inevitable struggles we will face, we are not alone. Only GOD can give courage and comfort in days of fear and instability.
2nd Illustration:“THE UNSINKABLESHIP TITANIC versus MB GALILEE.” In 1912, the largest and most luxurious ship ever built at that time. 852 feet long – boasted sixteen watertight compartments to keep its passengers safely afloat no matter what hazards befell the sea. The Titanic was said to be the safest ship ever built. It set sail from England on its maiden cruise, bound for America. One of the passengers purportedly asked a deckhand “IS THE TITANIC really UNSINKABLE?”“GOD HIMSELF COULD’T SINK THE SHIP”, replied the seaman. Before midnight on a clear, moonless night in the North Atlantic, the Titanic struck an iceberg and sank less than 3 hours later carrying 1,500 souls into eternity. The “UNSINKABLE SHIP” built to last for several lifetimes had SUNK on ITS FIRST VOYAGE.” In contrary, the frail boat on the sea of Galilee is UNSINKABLE! Why? Because JESUS the master of land and sea was with them in the hidden part of the vessel. Jesus still lives and rides the billows and controls the storms. When the children of men take their only TRUE PILOT back on board, we will ride out the present storms and He will bring the vessel through the fair harbor of our hopes. . Note: RMS Titanic – Captain shouted: “ABANDON SHIP!”JESUS our PILOT SHOUTED: “PEACE BE STILL!”Only He who can say: “The Lord is the strength of my life” can say: “Of whom shall I be afraid.”Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live. Peace is not REAL PEACE until it has been tested in the storm.
V – CONQUEST - “I have overcome the world.”-LESSON: When facing a tough decision, don’t let the negatives cause you to lose sight of the positives. Don’t let potential difficulties blind you to God’s power to help and His promise to guide. When you are afraid, look to JESUS CHRIST. Remember the empty tomb. Christ’s resurrection help us find meaning even in the midst of tragedy. No matter what happens to us we walk with the Lord. Today people are looking for someone to give them security in an insecure world. Our job is to point them to Jesus Christ and to show that He is the ONE they seek. Focusing on our human predicament may paralyze us because the situation may appear humanly impossible. But concentrating on God and His Power help us see the way out. Jesus said: “I am the Way” (John 14:6). We trust in God by recognizing the insufficiency of our own efforts to find solutions and by asking Him to do His work in us. If you are bending under a burden and feel that you are about to fall, turn to God for help. He is ready to bear your burden.“Faith is not believing that God can, but that GOD WILL!” Only in Christ can real security be found.
(Messages By: Rev. Teofilito A. Rufon)
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