“Do not boast thyself tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a
day may bring forth”
Proverbs 27:1
There are three things God said don’t about what tomorrow brings. The Bible says that we do not boast of
tomorrow, do not worry about tomorrow
and do not procrastinate until tomorrow.

II- DO NOT WORRY ABOUT TOMORROW– Matthew 6:34 tells us to “take
therefore no thought for the morrow; for
the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.” This means that we will only do what is for
today because we will encounter problems when we think of tomorrow and
yesterday. We will fail to properly do
our God-given responsibility if we worry
about many things. Take note that in the
last verse of Matthew 6:34, it stated that “ sufficient unto the day is the
evil thereof.” This means each day has
enough trouble of its own. When we worry
tomorrow, we’re just borrowing trouble and it will make us irritable.
is the act of putting something off
until later time. This means that we must do what we can do for
today! We must value time! William
Shakespeare strongly said “defer no time! Delays have dangerous ends!” We must
value time and number our days correctly
by serving Him because there is no wasted time in serving God. commands us to
prioritize Him first to love Him first. Each day is a gift from God. Luke
9:62-62 reminds us that “no man is fit for the kingdom of God if he ploughs and
look back at the others.” Remember that
God rewards diligence not laziness.
(From the Messages of Rev. Teofilito A. Rufon on Sunday