“Life with God is not immunity from difficulties, but peace in difficulties.”
C. S. Lewis
Here are four points to follow on how to live in difficult

II- STAY PERSISTENT IN PRAYERS – God said “let your requests
be made known unto Him” (Philippians 4:6). Prayer is a response to a
crisis. Allow our helplessness to move
us to a deeper and more fervent prayer.
Prayer is our weapon to attain peace to live in difficult times. Life with God is not immunity from
difficulties, but peace in difficulties.
us to walk in the spirit. Walk in the
spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. What makes us strong, move, live, and walk is
the work of the Holy Spirit. Christian
living is a spiritual walk. Those who
walk with God reaches the destination 100%. The Holy Spirit is like a Global
Positioning System (GPS) used in cars not to be lost. It will lead you where
you are going. Success is always the
result of the leading of the Holy Spirit.
IV- FIX YOUR EYES ON JESUS- We must always look unto Jesus
the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). Fixed means “glued” at all
times. Fixing our eyes in Jesus will not fall us into failure. We fail if we are not lookingto Him. We must not look at the ability of other
people or rely on our ability but rely to Jesus. Everything we need is in Jesus. Let us fix
our eyes and all will be well.
(From Rev. Teofilito A. Rufon’s Sunday Worship Messages)
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