"Even the wind and the sea obey Him?" Mark 4:35
I - The Storms In Our Lives - Difficulties, inconveniences, accidents, death of loved ones, sickness are storms in our lives. Like a typhoon, these may suddenly develop without warning or reason.
II - Our Boats - What are our boats? These may be our profession, studies, love life, emotions, which is being shaken by sickness and problems or storms in our lives, and you have no one to turn to. But while we are riding in our boats, Jesus is sleeping on a pillow! Why is Jesus sleeping? The lesson here is many people has many problems because they go near the problem. Jesus during the storm was sleeping at the safe place of the boat. The disciples are riding on the unsafe place of the boat. We must go away to getting the problem.
III - Security and Safety - The Lord's assurance is "we will reach to the other side". Jesus did not say that we will go to the bottom of the lake of Galilee. But the problem is the disciples were not listening! The disciples did not hear God's message. Like us, we are sometimes not listening to God's message. We tend to listen to our "boats." But God assured us that "He will never leave us." We together with Jesus will reach the safe and secured "side" of our lives so stop worrying. Like Jesus, sleep on your own pillow and claim God's promise .
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