"I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." Psalm 139:13-16
Inferiority - is a burdensome master that enslaves us all. This means situated lower or of lower rank or degree, less importance, value or merit, weakness and inhibition of person's productivity. There 3 types of inferiority: 1. Physical Inferiority . Economic Inferiority and 3. Mental Inferiority.
I - Physical Inferiority - is caused by beauty standards that society or individuals believe or impose upon themselves. Society decides the standards of physical characteristic of an individual. The Bible tells us this solutions for physical inferiority:
a.) Don't Be Slave of Worldly Standards - "and be not conformed to this world" (Romans 12:2).
b.) Don't Pay Exaggerated Attention to the Human Body - cosmetics are nothing because the Bible said "we will return to dust." We feel inferior because we always measure ourselves against the measurement of the world. Don't follow the song of Madonna "because I'm living in a material world, and I am a material girl." The truth is the human body grows old everyday.
c.) Thank God and Appreciate Your Body - Don't you dare call yourself ugly because God doesn't make any ugly creation. No matter what beauty company you have, God perfectly made you. God does not create rubbish. Accept yourself for what you are.
d.) Improve Your Looks in a Right Place - This means not only beautifying your self but your spirit. "Present your bodies a living sacrifice." Always be clean, fragrant and always smile. Wear a modest apparel in Church.
e.) Excel in Other Areas of Life Rather Than Physical Looks - Former UN Secretary General Carlos P. Romulo said "A man's height is not always measured by inches." Develop and nourish your skills and talents.
f.) Draw Inspirations From Great Men Who Were Not Exactly Beautiful - Apostle Paul was a short rugged man and full of scars but in his weakness his body was offered to God. "Jesus Christ was of no beauty that we should desire Him." (Isaiah 53:2) Jesus was not attractive in the eyes of the Lord. This made Jesus easily blend with the crowd because he looked very ordinary. God uses ordinary people and ordinary things.
(From Rev. Teofilito A. Rufon's Sunday Worship Messages at Odiongan Baptist Church)
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