"We ought to obey God rather than men." Acts 5:29
Peter and John were "unlettered" men and "commoners" who changed the world through evangelism. They were uneducated and possess no official positions or special abilities yet loved and valued by many. But priests do clearly note that these men have their boldness and power.
1. These men had been with Jesus - They were "different" and righteous in a sinful world. If any one should be a disciple, he should not be adulterer, effeminate, abuser, thief, extortionist, fornicators because followers of Jesus are new creatures. They were also "daring" in the sense that they dare to take the right stand and dare to preach the Gospel. They were also "dedicated" because they "maintain their own ways before God."
2. These men knew the Holy Book - "Every christian should continuously be steadfast in the apostle's doctrine." (Acts 2:42). Many knows about science - but ignorant about God. Many knows about mathematics - but ignorant about the master. Many knows about politics - but ignorant about God's plan. Many knows about space (heavenly bodies) - but ignorant about grace (heavenly ways).
According to U.S. Prseident Abraham Lincoln: "Better to have a knowledge of Bible than other books." Here is an illustration:

One day a rich Dad took his son to a trip. He wanted to show how poor someone can be. They spent time on the farm of a poor family. On way home, Dad asked his son. "Did you see how poor they are?" "What did you see?" The son replied: "We have 1 dog, they have 4 dogs. We have pools, they have rivers. We have lantern, they have stars at night. We buy foods, they grow theirs. We have fence and walls to protect us, they have friends. We have encyclopedia, they have Bible. Then the boy added: " Thank you for showing me how poor we are."
3. These men were saved - "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4:12). These men could tell people how to get to heaven. These men could get rid of your sins. They will change your life.
(From Rev. Pastor Teofilito A. Rufon's Sunday Worship Message at Odiongan Baptist Church, Odiongan, Romblon)
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